FAQ - Learn About Lucky Penny Shop
Is the Lucky Penny Shop a real store we can visit? We do not have a brick and mortar store location. Our shopping section links to other sellers on Amazon. We do not sell items.
Why is their penny on the corner of every video thumbnail? That is our Lucky Penny “Seal of Approval” confirming that the video is G rated and family friendly.
Why is there just hands in the video? We started making videos for eBay listings and the product was always the feature and not the person in the video.
What camera do you use and what is your set-up? We use a Sony HD Camera. We also use special light bulbs to give us the lighting you see in the video.
How come we never see a persons face? The videos are about the product and not the person.
How many people are part of Lucky Penny Shop? There are two people that run and manage the channel.
Who plays the voice of Butch? Butch is a friend of the show and not played by LPS-Dave.
Where do you get your items? About 95% of our items are found at local sales and in local stores. We also shop on eBay and Amazon for older items that can’t be purchased in stores.
What do you do with all of the items in the videos. The food and candy are eaten by our families :) We have to keep the majority of items because we like to bring them back in newer videos as a reference or in the case of a maker set, update the video or do new recipes. We also donate the items to a local thrift store that are no longer needed.
Do you talk in the video or is it a voice-over? All of the talking is done in the video and there is no voice-over work post production. There are cases where words or issues require one or two word corrections.
What do you use for a background? and why do you use white? Believe it or not it is just an ordinary window shade, white hides a lot of small issues which you see on darker backgrounds. Also, with flour and baking supplies white is a clean surface to work with. A lot of kitchens are white :)
Do you sell items you show in the video? We do not have an inventory of items that we show in the video. Many of the older items are part of our own personal collections. There are cases where parents have contacted us for older hard to find items and we will try and get them the item if it is available.
Do you have kids? Yes, we both have kids and they get to play with the toys and items in the videos. Many times it is their toy and we have to borrow it :)
Are you sponsored? No company pays us to make videos of their toys or products. We would not have it any other way. This gives us full creative control and an unbiased look at the item we are demonstrating.
Do companies send you items? There are times companies will send us items to take a look to see if we will make a video. This makes up a small percentage of items we show in the videos. We do like to help smaller companies whenever possible.
Can we send you items to try in a video? Currently we are not set up to receive items. We do appreciate the offers and support from everyone! If in the future that changes we will update the web site.
Who can enter? Contests are open to most countries, however some countries don’t allow food or other items across their borders. So it will depend on the contest we are running at the time.
How many times can I enter? You can enter one time per contest.
Do I need a YouTube Channel? Yes, you need to have a personal YouTube account to enter.
What do you do with my information? Read our privacy policy. We do not store or gather information on our web site.
How many times can I win? If you win a contest in any given month, you are not eligible for another contest in that month. You can enter in the next months contest.
How old do I need to be? With your parents consent, you can enter at any age. Otherwise we don’t have a minimum age. YouTube has a minimum age of 13 to have a YouTube channel.